Bengan Yes   FREE!

Bengan Yes
is an action-packed arena fighting game designed for livestreaming. Choose to either let your viewers brawl it out or simulate a clash between thousands of bots. Everyone has an equal chance of winning with both the arena and stats of players being randomized.
Twitch interactive
Set a custom keyword for your viewers to join a battle to the death, perfect for deciding giveaway winners!
Simulate fights
Add up to thousands of bots to clash for your own entertainment.
Randomized conditions
Enter a seed to generate a random arena along with randomized player stats.
Lifelike - Music by AlexiAction from Pixabay

Please Calm My Mind - Music by EvgenyBardyuzha from Pixabay
Password infinity - Music by Lesfm from Pixabay
Dragon Castle - Music by Makai Symphony
Bengan Bros menu song - "Game Menu" by Eric Matyas.
Bengan Bros puzzle song - "Mind Bender" by Eric Matyas
Addemannen1 - Main Developer

123meinkratf - 3D Artist lord
LucasNagy - Designer & picture maker person
August - Marketing & writing steam page person
ReeZey - Man of optimizing the game, making all UI and helping with other stuff too :)
Author: Bengan Studios
Category: action
License: Free
Cost (1): Free (2024-07-26)
Submitter: admin
Metacritic Rank: wait... 

Note (1): the price may be not correct due to changes in the distributor's trade policies
Play Online:
Last Update: 2024-07-26 13:23:27
Available languages: English