Arkon   FREE!

Arkon is an experiment. The basic idea is that it will simulate a universe holding entities which interact with each other. The initial interpretation of this very general guideline is a starship simulation. A three-dimensional universe holds starships which can move around based on a physics-model somewhat similar to that of the universe we live in.

The above is just the starting point of the experiment. The development process might lead to entirely different things. One likely possibility is the move towards a game where starships battle each other, controlled by client programs which might very well be robots.

Development is open to anyone interested in experimenting with the possibilities of simulated universe physics, so feel free to send mail to [email protected].

Author: Sven M. Hallberg
Version: 1
Category: under development
License: free
Cost (1):
Submitter: admin
Metacritic Rank: wait... 

Note (1): the price may be not correct due to changes in the distributor's trade policies
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Last Update: 2000-04-05 01:01:01