
It’s the 1970’s: the era of Funk, flared jeans and disco-fueled Saturday nights. A crack team of expert thieves turn Grand Larceny into an art-form by using their many talents to break into the richest homes and steal the finest jewelry - all to finance their hedonistic lifestyles. That is until a lucrative museum heist in Venice involving a famous jewel known as ‘The Green Tiger’ ends in betrayal and the team broken apart. Five years later the remaining gang members reunite with a plot for revenge against their traitorous former comrade – but naturally, their plan will also make them rich beyond their wildest dreams… Crookz is a tactical strategy game set in the funky 1970’s with a slick and groovy atmosphere. Show off the art of thieving by plotting stylish heists and robberies; utilizing espionage and quick-thinking to avoid detection. Implement a successful strategy by assembling and kitting out your team before the job and planning the best way in. developer
Company: Skilltree Studios
Version: Release
Category: action
License: commercial
Cost (1): € 27.99
Submitter: admin
Metacritic Rank: wait... 

Note (1): the price may be not correct due to changes in the distributor's trade policies
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Last Update: 2015-08-30 10:08:40