IConquerU   FREE!

IConquerU is a Free Tactical and Strategy Online Game MMORPG available now for Linux (natively). We have been working on it the last 4 years and it has the following main features:

Players can team up in Kingdoms. Join your friends in a powerful IConquerU Kingdom and conquer the vast World!

Hero development
Hero skills are practically unlimited and can be totally customized. Your Hero will be genuine.

Special items
Thousands of Special Items are waiting for you! They can be mixed to build up new powerful and genuine Items.

Champion development
Customize your own units to fit your tactic needs. From terrorizing dragons to brave warriors.

Unlimited crafting
So you need a rope to investigate a mysterious place under the ground or over a tree. No problem, find some vines or plants to craft you own rope. Almost all the environment is interactive and you can combine items to create new ones.

Immersive environment
All you acts will have consequences in this World. Fires, corpses ... All will remain to remind other Heroes that you were here!. Rain, fires and other weather phenomenons will help you to get totally immersed.

Building Fortress
Conquer, build up and defend you empire from fierce enemies. Build your own empire at your own taste. Hire Generals or Captains (Real players!) to help you to defend the empire and multiple Fortress of your domain.

Author: Sevia
Company: IConquerU
Category: strategy
License: free
Cost (1):
Submitter: admin
Metacritic Rank: wait... 

Note (1): the price may be not correct due to changes in the distributor's trade policies
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Last Update: 2011-03-04 15:36:50