Plee The Bear   FREE!

Plee the Bear wakes up late one afternoon after dreaming of his earlier years, when he traveled across the world with his belle at his side. Craving an afternoon snack, he sticks his arm in a nearby honey pot — only to find it empty! Upon discovering that all the pots in his house are empty, Plee thinks of his mischievous son and swears, "I'm gonna find that boy and give him the wallop he deserves."

Following honey drops left on the ground, Plee reaches the edge of the forest, and his adventure begins.

Author: Julien Jorge, Sébastien Angibaud
Company: Gamned Studio
Version: 0.6.0
Category: arcade
License: free
Cost (1):
Submitter: admin
Metacritic Rank: wait... 

Note (1): the price may be not correct due to changes in the distributor's trade policies
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Last Update: 2011-10-15 15:40:29