Sloth Online RPG   FREE!

Sloth Online RPG is a work in progress that will provide a fully graphical online role playing game engine. SlothORPG is coded in Java and is currently in a near playable state featuring several classes with over a thousand lines of code. My main intentions with this project are to provide a free, fully functional, ever expanding Role Playing Engine (both client and server side) for the end user who would be playing the game. Developers would also be able to use the project as a resource on certain aspects of Java Game Programming.
Server side the project implements the NIO Networking library to create a smoother, stronger tcp/ip core. I found UDP and TCP w/ the old IO library to be unreliable and sluggish respectively. The way in which the server is structured has proven to be strong thus far.
The client side of the code features the Graphics2D Java library to provide near perfect animation without requiring a rendering device such as OpenGL or DirectX.
To summarize my entire intent for this project I basically wanted to provide an Online RPG that is functional on almost any OS that has Java installed and can run just as smooth on low end machines while still being able to feature rich 2-D graphics. The source code is clean and neat as well as commented and organized. It is easy to read and understand for someone who has some knowledge of Java. As I write this, the project is coming along nicely and some pre-alpha local network testing has proven this. I plan to continue with this project and in the future include database integration and more of a developer-side interface.

Please visit and click the "Play Now" button to launch the Java Webstart client to join the game

A quick rundown of what this project includes so far: Character Creation, Smooth character animation, and fully supported tcp/ip gameplay. Chatting is also implemented.

Author: lou
Version: 0.15
Category: mia
License: free
Cost (1):
Submitter: admin
Metacritic Rank: wait... 

Note (1): the price may be not correct due to changes in the distributor's trade policies
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Last Update: 2006-09-28 09:07:17