SDL-Toms   FREE!

About a decade ago, my friends and I liked a game called "Atoms". Recently, I was asked if I knew of a Windows version. I didn't, so I wrote one! It compiles in (and was written on) Linux, and has Windows binaries for those that want them.

For those who aren't familiar with the game Atoms (you may alternatively have seen a GTK version called Xchain), 2 or more players take turns to place an "atom" in a cell of the play grid. Players can only place an atom in a cell that no other players have any of their atoms in yet. If any cell ends up too many atoms in it, it will explode, throwing atoms into the neighbouring cells- any atoms already there end up belonging to the player whose cell had just exploded. This can cause chain reactions.
Any player who ends up with no more atoms in this way loses. The last player in the game is the winner!

Better instructions will be included with the game in future, but meanwhile it's fairly easy to pick up the rules.

Note that users of Konqueror may find they need to switch off Javascript to see the web page, for some reason (only just found this today. I've asked Angelfire if they've done anything that could have cause it). Sorry about that.

Author: Tom Barnes-Lawrence
Version: 0.2
Category: strategy
License: free
Cost (1):
Submitter: admin
Metacritic Rank: wait... 

Note (1): the price may be not correct due to changes in the distributor's trade policies
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Last Update: 2003-08-19 10:53:55